Sunday, December 5, 2010

6 Myths That Cost You Boat Loads of Money

There are many "myths" floating around that cost you a ton of cash. In fact these myths cost you so much money, that if you stopped following them and saved the money, you could probably have a great vacation every year or stop putting Christmas on the credit card.

Now of course there are far more money myths than the six mentioned in this blog article, but these are some of the biggies that snare almost every American and Canadian family. The myths cover your home, your car and your health. Yea we still believe one of the myths even though it has been debunked time and time again and even though we know of a much better and far cheaper way to get that healthy item.

Why not add some of your "myths" to the comments on this article. Help your fellow human stop wasting so much of their hard earned cash.

Read the full article here.