Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Make Your Own Energy Drinks and Save Thousands Per Year!

How to Make Homemade Energy Drinks

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Energy Drinks are the new rage with everyone from teen partygoers to serious athletes to the average person that just wants a pick-me-up before that long corporate reorganization meeting. The problem is, they can set you back a pretty penny if you have them more than once in a while. Luckily, they can be made easily, giving you stamina without breaking the bank.


  1. Choose 1/2 gallon of a flavorful, non-carbonated beverage. Often filtered water and a powdered drink mix are a good choice.
  2. Add 3 pinches of normal table salt (sodium chloride)
  3. Add 1 to 2 pinches of potassium chloride based salt substitute.
  4. Add liquid b-vitamin supplements (Add dosage depending on the amount of the finished drink you intend to consume per day. If you're going to consume the whole batch by yourself in one day, 1/2 to one dose is recommended.)
  5. Add medical/food grade caffeine, no more than 200 mg per serving (See warnings below).
  6. If desired, herbal extracts such as ginseng may be added, as well.
  7. Shake and chill well.
  8. Then put it in a bottle.

Learn the secret to burning fat. Turn your energy drink into a fat burning elixir that helps you shed pounds day and night, even while you sleep. Click Here!


  • Low- or No-sugar mixes may seem to be counterintuitive for a beverage such as this, but sugar causes insulin to be produced in the body, and once it's metabolized you can have an "insulin low", leaving you less energetic than before. Even when choosing commercial energy drinks, often the 'diet' can is the way to go.
  • Caffeine is bitter, and finding it in an easily dissolvable form may be difficult. Often it may be better just to leave it out, and take a caffeine tablet supplement (i.e. No-Doz, Vivarin). This also reduces the chance of overdose by poor measurement if you are unsure of yourself.
  • Chilling the drink will help the flavor, masking the slightly off flavors that the salts and vitamins can add.
  • Following steps 1 through 3 and leaving out the rest of the ingredients will yield an excellent, effective and cheap sports drink similar to Gatorade or PowerAde.


  • Caffeine overdose can be deadly. Do not consume more than your body is used to handling, and don't overdo it at that. Caffeine overdose symptoms include, but are not limited to, heart arrhythmia, coma, and death. Don't be stupid. Unless you have an analytical balance (scale for measuring milligram quantities of substances, usually costing several thousand dollars) do not attempt to estimate quantities of caffeine. Repeat: caffeine can be deadly.
  • Some base beverages, such as iced tea, may already have some caffeine. Be aware of this when dosing.
  • B-vitamins are generally beneficial at quantities over the Recommended Daily Allowance, but overdosing on some of them can have very unpleasant effects, as well. Niacin, or vitamin B-3, for example, can cause a very itchy skin rash and elevated body temperature at high dosages. Do not exceed the vitamin manufacturer's guidelines when planning your dosages.
  • Herbs come with their own warnings, as well. Do your research before adding them to the mix.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Homemade Energy Drinks. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How to Look Like You Are 20 Again


There are literally thousands of products and idea out there about how to get a lean and trim waistline. Now first of all, why do we seem so obsessed with having a lean mid-section?

There are a number of good reasons and bad reasons for wanting and having a healthy and lean mid-section.

Lets look at some bad reasons. One reason is that when you have a lean tummy, you must have a low body fat content or a high Body Mass Index or BMI. That usually means that you have to have less than 15% body fat and for most of us that really means less than 10% body fat. Body fat content that low will allow the muscles to pop. But having such a low body fat percentage means you have to eat and you may even need to eat a lot more than you eat now.

Plus a low body fat percentage means that if you are lost in the woods you will have less fat for your body to use so you will need to eat more and more often.

Now for some reasons to HAVE that lean midsection. Well, just like I mention above, you will have a low body fact content which is good for the body. Sure you will need to eat more and more often, but just think, if you love to eat you will get to eat more but not get fat...that is if you eat the right foods.

Having a lean body also means you have a higher metabolism rate which is the rate at which your body burn calories. Now when you have a high motabolism, your body burns more calories and it burns those calories more efficiently. This means you will also have more energy. In fact, if you shed just 10 pounds of body fat, you will be amazed at how much energy you gain. You will find that even without excersise your energy level will shoot through the roof. Your mind will become even focused and you will find you can finish task faster and better.

Believe it or not, even sex is better with a lean tummy. That's right. SEX is a lot better when you are lean and trim. You will have more energy to perform longer. Of course it is partly due to the fact that you just look better.

Test and studies have shown that physical attraction is a huge part of the sexual experience. And women and men have both shown to prefer a tight, strong and lean midsection over other areas of the body. Yes, that mid-section is a big babe and dude magnet. Not to mention, just feeling a good set of abs is a turn on.

Test have also shown that men and women both like to run their hands over a firm and tight stomach. Touch enhances sexual pleasure. So you see a lean mid-section is like an aphordesiac.

Another great reason is posture. A tight and lean stomach will help to support your back and keep your spine in proper alignment. This can minimize, even eliminate lower back pain that so many of us experience especially as we get older. You will stand straighter giving you a look of greater confidence.

And after you have had your day full of task, eating, sex and having people stare admiringly at you, it will be time to dim the lights. Yes, a trim and lean tummy will also help you get a better nights sleep. You will experience a fuller, deeper sleep and you will awaken fully refreshed and ready to tackle your day.

So how does one get a lean mid-section? You probably are thinking that tons and tons of crunches or sit-ups will do the trick. Not so fast. Yes crunches and sit-ups will tone and strengthen your muscles but you wont see them if you keep that layer of fat on top of them.

You need to burn that fat away. You do that by doing simple cardio. Simple cardio could be as easy as increasing the amount you walk. If you increase the number of steps you take daily by 10,000 you can drop a pound of body fat per week with out changing your current diet. Yup, simply walk more every day. Walking also tones the legs and even the feet. So go to the mall, but not to buy anything but to stroll up and and the halls a couple of time. Park farther away from the entrance. Walk to the corner store instead of taking your car.

Also, you could give up fast food one day a week. If you eat out twice a week at a burger joint, cut one of those days out. You could lose up to 2 pounds in a month by doing that.

Get a full 8 hours of sleep every night. Your body needs to repair itself on a daily basis and sleep is the time your body does that at its peak. It also is the time when the body resets the many clocks in your body suck as your fat clock your biological clock, etc. If you disrupt those clocks then your body responds by packing on the pounds or by retaining the pounds. Believe it or not you could actually lose weight by getting a proper nights sleep every night.

Drinking plenty of water. Drop the high calorie drinks and such. Drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of pure water per day. I know that seems hard but it really doesn't have to be. Drinking water helps you feel full for a longer period of time so you don't have the urge to snack. Plus drinking water flushes the body of impurities and fat. Yes, water helps the body rid itself of excess fat. You can up the water intake by cutting back on the soda, juices and coffee that you drink daily. Although a cup or two of coffee per day can actually help you lose weight but make sure you drink the water to help that coffee do its job better.

And finally, watching less TV will help you lose weight. Yes, studies have shown that when you engage the mind it actually uses and burns more calories than just sitting in front of the boob tube vegging out. Plus excersing the mind has its own merits and benefits. Also, when you do things that activate the mind, you eat less. People who watch 8 hours of TV per day can consume 25 percent calories than those who watch only 2 hours per day. People who play board games or do crossword puzzles consume fewer calories than those who read romance novels.

In short, just simple little changes can help you lose the body fat and in the end what you will have to show for it is, lean and strong abs, ready to show off at a moments notice. Espceially when that "hottie" is looking at you from across the room or as they pass you buy on the beach.

One last benefit. A healthy mid-section usually means a healthy heart which means fewer doctor visits and lower health care bills. So you can even save money. What more could you ask for?

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to burn fat

How to Burn Fat and Stay Healthy

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. [1] By becoming lean, strong and healthy in less than 1hr per week.


  1. Remember fat is not as important as calories for controlling weight. Just make sure you’re eating healthy monounsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats instead of saturated and Trans fat. The less, the better. You should not be eating more than 20 grams of saturated fat per day.
  2. Strength training which means weight training in the gym or at home at least 30mins, 2 x per week. Muscle helps speed your metabolism since it requires 50 calories a day just to support a pound of muscle.
  3. Cut down on processed foods. Stick with all natural foods which have little added preservatives and chemicals. If you can’t find it in nature think twice before you eat it.
  4. Cardio exercise do interval training on an exercise of your choice eg. running - warm-up 5mins then do 1min fast, 1min slow continously for 20mins.
  5. Eat more. Yep, you heard right. Instead of the 3 square meals a day, go for 6 micro meals to keep your metabolism geared up to burn and your insulin levels steady.
  6. Aim to exercise at least 3-4 sessions per week, is beginning, 4-5 sessions per week is making a difference.
  7. Eat more protein. Your body needs protein to support the muscle it has. Just make sure you’re sticking with quality proteins such as lean meats, fish, and poultry. Whey and Soy Proteins are also good choices. Stay away from meats with high saturated fats.
  8. Do something fun and always think in terms of physical activity, ask yourself how can I be more active today?
  9. Control your portions by eating low energy-density foods. Foods such as vegetables and fruits have low energy density which make them less likely to be overeaten. They are also packed with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which ensure your metabolism has the resources to do its job more efficiently.
  10. Don't cut out any one food group. You should be consuming carbohydrates, protein, and fat at every meal. This will keep you balanced.
  11. Drink more H20. Water is a major player in weight control. Besides being a major part of your body, water helps flush metabolic wastes keeping your metabolism charged. It also helps you feel fuller, helping you to eat less. Don't wait until you feel thirsty. Start by drinking at least a half-gallon of water everyday. For active people, move up to a gallon per day.

    Increase your Fat Burning Furnace and lose weight even while you sleep. Learn more, Click Here!

  12. Eat more fiber. By consuming at least 30 grams of fiber daily, you will feel fuller than you would by not eating the fiber. Fiber also helps out your health by latching on to LDL cholesterol and flushing it out of your system. Some good sources of fiber include vegetables (with the skin), fruits (with the skin), whole-grain breads, and high fiber cereals such as Kashi and Fiber One. One simple thing to boost fiber intake would be to eat an Orange instead of drinking Orange Juice. It has less calories, more fiber and bound to make you feel more satisfied.
  13. Eat your complex grains early in the day and then stick with the water rich carbohydrates such as fruit in the evening. This has to do with the way insulin is secreted into the bloodstream.
  14. Make some changes. While eating healthy is a good start, you’re never going to reach your full potential for a leaner body unless you get active and start sleeping better. Aim for 7-8 hours per night More or less than that can have negative effects on your health.
  15. Stay away from fast food, or at least don't eat it as often. It is a far healthier option to cook a nice meal at home.
  16. Eat your meals slower. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to know when you're full. If you eat too quickly, you may have eaten too much before your body knows when the limit is reached.
  17. Eat some fish. Fish, such as salmon, is rich in Omega-3s, which is an Essential Fatty Acid. This helps keep your heart healthy, and keeps the bad fat out. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut and shellfish help reduce the size of fat cells and help out with fat loss.
  18. Exercise in the mornings before you eat breakfast if you want to burn fat more effectively. Perhaps go for a mile jog around your neighborhood, or walk the dog. Doing aerobic (fast paced) exercises after you've been fasting for 8 hours will force your body to burn fat instead of calories for energy.
  19. It may seem difficult but continuity is what gets you fit and helps you stay fit!


  • Its all about an energy balance, what you consume in with food, must be expended out with exercise if you want to burn fat!
  • Be smart about what you eat.
  • Be sensible when you exercise.


  • Make sure you consult a doctor before beginning any type of health plan or exercise regimen.
  • When exercising, don't over-exert yourself. Make sure to stop if you really feel like you can't go any longer, breathe deeply, and drink plenty of water. Absolutely stop exercising if you develop a headache or a dry throat; this is a sign of severe dehydration and you should drink some water immediately.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

  1. Obesity Statistics from

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Burn Fat and Stay Healthy. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to make money by writing blogs

How to Make Money Pinging Your Blog/Website and Using Viral Marketing

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Pinging is a way to notify the blog search engines that your blog is updated.
You ought to ping as many as you can to get good results. If you conbine it with viral marketing, you can have great Traffic!
How to get more Traffic, Money with Pings and viral marketing?


  1. keyword research. You can use Wordtracker or Google Keyword Tool to determine the best keywords to target.
  2. anagram it. If is possible (if your customer like this) take one of the best keywords and anagram it, look in Google that you have a NEW word, that gives NO RESULTS.
  3. Create a new Blog or Website with the anagram name. So if someone is searching this key, just get your Site as only result or (later) als first result. In this Website, you are of course linking your product/website/customer
  4. Link it. now go everywhere,Blogs, Boards, and write wikis, hubs, articles and blog's with unique content and links back to the anagram website and/or to the Website/Product of your Customer. just always use the anagram-keyword, and some of the other best keywords you found on step 1
    • For instance: if your website talks about computer, anagram it at, then take one of the new anagram words: for instance the word mectopur and build a website ( for instance) and a blog.... then go to a computer board and write a new Thread: "what about mectopur is it really better than ...?" or "what about mectopur is it really good working ...?" do not even need to put a link or other keywords. You are just creating the Hype. But if you like it more, you can also write "what about mectopur, i mean computer software at is it really better than ...?"

  5. create a short 30 second video about mectopur, best would be like a misterious stuff, or funny stuff, and submit it to the top video website's on the Internet like youtube.
  6. submit your mectopur Website at the top social bookmarking website's on the Internet
  7. If you have an RSS feed, post it to the top 20 RSS aggregators on the Internet
  8. Ping the hubs, wikis, articles and blog's at the top pinging destinations- you can use fre services like,, and so on
  9. So, now enjoy your viral traffic and get more money/sell more products.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Money Pinging Your Blog/Website and Using Viral Marketing. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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How to play Farmville

How to Play Farmville

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Farmville is a virtual farming game developed by Zynga that requires making good judgment, math skills, and the desire to farm. Playing Farmville is very easy, if you know what you are doing.


  1. Start slowly. It may seem tempting to try and create an enormous farm right away, but have patience. It is better to start slow than to lose all your money right off the bat.
  2. Know when you will get on Farmville again. Each crop takes a certain amount of time to grow (i.e. 2 hours, 4 hours, 1 day, etc.). Once that crop has grown, you have the same amount of time that it took to grow to harvest it. If you don't harvest in time, your crops will wither and die.
  3. Expand your farm. Start off by adding a few more plots of land (you can do this by clicking on the "Plow" option.) Adding more land will cost you a small amount.
  4. Pay attention to your experience points (shown as XP). Once you get a certain amount of experience points, you level up. Leveling up usually will give you a small amount of money, and sometimes some more experience points.
  5. After you have gotten farming down, try experimenting with animals and trees. Animals and trees will provide you with extra money and experience points. They also can come in handy once you have progressed further into the game.
  6. Earn ribbons. There are many ribbons you can earn on Farmville from having many neighbors, or owning many animals. Once you earn a ribbon, you get coins and the ability to share your rewards with your friends. You can get ribbons until you get the blue ribbon for each type.

How to win at Farmville. Best codes and methods. Click Here!


This video teaches the basics about Farmville.


  • Don't be afraid to experiment! Add some trees and animals or more land. Just be sure you don't waste all your money on animals or other objects.
  • Observe your friends' farms. See what they do and how they run their farm. You could learn some helpful hints.
  • Always take things slowly. You don't want to rush through this game.
  • Helping your neighbors with their farms gets you more cash and experience points!


  • If you run out of money, you can't buy anything or plow anything until you get some more. Spend your money wisely!
  • Dead crops don't produce any extra points and decrease in value. Be sure to harvest on time!

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Play Farmville. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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How to fix an iphone screen

How to Fix an iPhone 3G Screen

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

You, like many people, have broken your iPhone Application">iPhone screen! These steps and video will show you how to fix it yourself. Read entire guide before beginning the process.


  1. Look at the bottom of your iPhone (the side with the home button) and locate the 2 screws on either side of the USB connector. Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew both these.
  2. Remove the screen using one of these methods:
    • Use a wedging or scraping tool (like a flat screwdriver or whichever similar tool you have). Put your tool between the rubber and metal and lift the screen. The screen will still be attached to the iPhone so be sure to read the next step to be prepared.
    • Use a suction cup. Instead of using a scraper tool or a screwdriver which will damage the rubber surround, use a small suction cup. Place the suction cup right above the home button and gently pull up. The glass will pull right out with no damage to the surrounding rubber gasket.

  3. Look for flaps in the top right holding the screen and phone together. You will see labels 1 and 2 on bright orange stickers on these flaps. Lift these flaps with your wedging tool. (Note: The #2 sticker on the phone used in this tutorial fell off.)
  4. Look for a third sticker under the #2 flap. This one is a little different from the other two. You will need to lift the black "clamp" to release the #3 connection. Once the clamp is lifted, the screen will be free from the rest of the iPhone, simply pull it out.
  5. Remove 6 more screws. There are 5 screws on the side rails: 3 on the side with the flaps and 2 on the other side. The 6th screw is in the top right. There is black tape over some of the screws in this step. (The black tape is not needed so if it is causing you problems when putting the phone back together later, you can cut it off.)
  6. Separate the LCD screen from the glass. Put your wedger in between the rails and wedge the inner piece out. Don’t be afraid to apply a little pressure as the metal will not get deformed. This step will free the LCD screen from the metal frame.
  7. Clean the metal frame from the broken glass. This step may take a while but make sure it is done well so the new screen fits snug. The glass will come out easy as it is broken and if there is some resistance, don’t be scared to use force as long as you are not greatly bending the metal frame because you will reuse it. Use the wedging device to scrap away stuck pieces of glass and leftover residue of the former adhesive. A heat gun or dryer can be used to loosen the glue but simply scraping it may work fine. The heat gun or dryer can also cause the reusable piece to become somewhat deformed.

  8. Prepare your new screen. If you have double sided tape, make sure it is cut out correctly. If you have super glue, make sure when applying it that you do not apply too close to the home button. Only apply adhesive, whichever one it may be, to the wide black plastic on the bottom or top, staying away from the middle. You don’t want to glue the home button or the listening piece on the top. Let adhesive set for a few minutes to make sure it is set.
  9. Start reassembling your iPhone. Put the LCD and glass back together. There are two ways the screen can go and only one is correct. On one side, the rail is longer than the other, so that's a quick way to match it. You may find it easier to slide the LCD in from the bottom so the little clamp slides on nicely.
  10. Put the 6 screws back that we took out before.
  11. Slide the #3 cable back into the clamp, making sure the clamp is open. This step is easier if you push the #3 down to straighten it out a bit, then hold the #2 and #1 cable with your thumb. Once you have the #3 cable reinserted, press down the black clamp.
  12. Put the #2 and #1 cables back on by simply pressing them onto the connector. Don’t worry about using a little bit of force or missing the connector a few times as it is bound to happen.
  13. Put the screen back onto the phone. Start by inserting the top, the side with the connectors, then place the bottom in. It should fit in nicely, avoid using force. After the screen and LCD are nice and snug, put the last 2 screws into their places on either side of the USB.


This video walks you through the steps until all the screws are removed.


  • Put your screws where you know you will not lose them because they are very small and can easily get away from you.


  • If you are not comfortable fiddling with your iPhone, you could have people from Apple do this for you as you may cause more damage to the phone.
  • This process will void your iPhone warranty.

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Things You'll Need

  • Narrow flat head screw driver or something similar, make sure the item has a somewhat fine tip as it will be used for scraping.
  • A very small Phillips Head Screwdriver (the one with the X shape to fit the screws).
  • iPhone glass screen.
  • Superglue or double sided tape.
  • All these materials can be bought online in packages. A simple Google search, "iPhone screen repair kit", will produce you many results to choose from. Also, stores such as Zellers and Wal-Mart carry all the materials except for the screen. Ordering the materials offline will ensure that you get the correct size and type if you are uncertain.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Fix an iPhone 3G Screen. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

What to expect when you quit smoking cigarrettes

How to Help Your Teen Quit Smoking

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Smoking is very bad for your teen's health and it is not cool to do. It contains about 4000 harmful chemicals that can impact health on a teen and can cause serious health problems in the future. Here are some helpful pointers that you can use to help your teen to kick the smoking habit.


  1. When your teen wants to quit smoking , tell your teen to put it in writing. Have him or her write all the reasons why he or she wants to quit smoking such as saving money or gaining stamina for playing sports. When your teen is finished with this list, tell him or her to put the list in a place where it can be seen so your teen can add new ideas later on.
  2. Inspire your teen to set a quit date and mark it on a calendar. Have your teen pick a day that he or she can use as a target day to actually give up smoking all together. Tell your teen that this day would act as a dividing line between the smoker you and the new and improved non-smoker you will become.
  3. Tell your teen to throw away all the cigarettes along with your ashtrays and lighters. Your teen wouldn't be able to quit smoking with cigarettes still lying around.
  4. Wash all your teens clothes so that the smell of cigarettes would disappear and if your teen smoked in his or her car its always a good idea to clean that out as well and get rid of the smoke triggers.
  5. Guide your teen to figure out what triggers his or her urge to smoke and make changes such as if your teen and his or her friends usually smoke in restaurants tell your teen to eat in the non-smoking section of the restaurant or tell your teen to substitute something else for cigarettes such as lollipops, toothpicks, mints, gum and carrot sticks.
  6. Expect your teen to experience physical symptoms of withdrawal while trying to give up smoking such as: Lack of energy, headaches, depression, stomachaches, jumpiness, crabbiness, dry mouth or sore throat and desires to pig out. These symptoms will pass so don't worry.
  7. Tell your teen to keep active. The more distracted your teen is, the less likely he or she would crave a cigarette. Your teen should keep his or her energy up and keep his or her weight down.
  8. If you teen slips up, don't let him or her give up. Your teen may quit for a few weeks and then have cravings that are so strong he or she may feel that they have to give in. Remind your teen how far he or she has gotten and not to lose momentum and it was just one mistake. Tell your teen that slipping up with just one cigarette is not being a smoker again.
  9. Tell your teen to reward him or herself. Quitting smoking is never, ever easy. If your teen is tobacco free for a few weeks, have your teen treat themselves to a new CD, books, movies or some clothes and for every smoke free year, inspire your teen to reward him or herself because he or she deserves it.


  • If your teen wants to quit, it has to be for good and not gradually.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Help Your Teen Quit Smoking. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.